Forensic Testimonial Interviewing seminar

  • Wednesday, June 11, 2025
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • 11860 Pecos Street, Westminster, CO


  • The book is not needed for the seminar, but is needed for the certification testing. The book is an additional $25.
  • The book is not needed for the seminar, but is needed for the certification testing. The book is an additional $25.
  • The book is not needed for the seminar, but it is needed for the certification test. The book is an additional $25.
  • The book is not needed for the seminar, but is needed for the certification testing. The book is an additional $25.


PPIAC is pleased to announce a one-day seminar on June 11, 2025 with Brandon Perron

of the Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council (CDITC).

Forensic Testimonial Interviewing:

Forensic Testimonial Evidence Recovery (FTI-FTER)

This course introduces the concepts of FTER - Forensic Testimonial Evidence Recovery.

The study regiment builds upon and enhances theories and concepts of investigative interviewing covered in the introductory Component Method training. Investigative interviewing discussed as it relates to the process of criminal defense. Practical issues, such as the significance of sworn statements and witness interviewing strategies, are covered, as are the purpose and theory behind Kinesic interviewing, cognitive interviewing, standard law enforcement interviews, and visual imagery techniques. Other practical and theoretical issues relevant to the role of the criminal defense investigator are also addressed. The significance of interviewing to obtain “testimonial evidence” from a forensic perspective is emphasized.

This is a full-day course, to be held at the Adam’s County Human Services Center (11860 Pecos Street, Westminster CO 80234.)

Upon successful completion of a test (see below) there is a Certification awarded.

SEATING IS LIMITED to first-come, first served.

PPIAC will be providing a light breakfast, beverages, and lunch.

Early Bird pricing through May 1st:

PPIAC Members

$225.00 | After May 1st: $275

Guests  $300 | After May 1st: $350

Certification book: $25 through May 30th.

Certification Information

*There is a book that is not required for the seminar, but is required for certification testing.

The cost of the book through Amazon is $33. The cost through PPIAC (last day to order through PPIAC is May 30) is $25, to be paid at the same time as registration.

The Certification test is not included in the seminar fee and is taken online. More information will be given at the seminar.

No refunds. PPIAC reserves the right to refusal.

This is held at the Adams County Human Services Center, a government facility.

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