PPIAC Member Benefits Eight monthly meetings/year = approximately eight hours of training/year Up to three specialized training seminars with members discount = approximately 21 total hours of training/year
One annual conference with member discount = approximately 20 hours of training/year
Legislative representation
Networking opportunities with established and experienced professional investigators
Public website forum for discussions of interest to the investigative community
Members list serve privileges
(EXCLUSIVE ONLY FOR PPIAC MEMBERS) Choice Hotels Business Essentials Program FREE PI Magazine Subscription!
Training videos, articles, and forms in your member’s area
Legislative Representation PPIAC provides legislative representation for the investigative profession in Colorado, as well as legislative updates and a close working relationship with the National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS) for issues that affect the profession on a national level. As a member of PPIAC, you ensure that your voice is heard at the Capitol on important legislation. PPIAC List Serve Your list serve privilege provides you with a way to communicate with fellow members. Do you have a question about a case or investigative technique? Perhaps you need to locate an investigator for assistance in a remote part of Colorado, or for assistance with a specialty investigation. PPIAC allows you to send out an email that quickly posts to over 100 members across Colorado! With expanded national association and personal networks, the reach is thousands nationally and internationally and creates unparalleled assistance and networking. Discounted TLO Database Searches As a member of PPIAC, you qualify for 5% off all searches. |